
Posted on November 24th, 2009 by 管理人 KID

Checking The MSD Ignition For Spark

MSDのトラブルシューティング 元ネタ

The following test will determine if your MSD is producing a spark.

White Wire Trigger:

If you are using the White wire (points or electronic amplifier) of the MSD to trigger the ignition, follow these steps.

1. Make sure the ignition switch is in the Off position.
2. Remove the coil wire from the distributor cap and position the terminal so it is approximately 1/2" from a good ground.
3. Disconnect the MSD White wire from the distributor points or the ignition amplifier.
4. Turn the ignition to the On position. DO NOT CRANK THE ENGINE.
イグニッションをONにする。 エンジンを回さないこと!
5. Tap the White wire to ground several times. Each time the wire is pulled away from ground a spark should jump from the coil wire to ground. If spark is present, the ignition is working properly.

If there is no spark:

A. Inspect all of the wiring.
B. Substitute another coil and test again. If there is now spark, the coil is at fault.
C. If there is still no spark, check to make sure there is 12 volts on the small Red wire from the MSD when the key is in the On position. If 12 volts are not present, find another 12 volt source and repeat the test.
D. After inspecting the test procedures and inspecting all of the wiring, there is still no spark, the Ignition is at fault. See the Warranty and Service Page for Information.

Magnetic Pickup Trigger:

If you are using the 2-Pin Magnetic Pickup of the MSD to trigger the ignition, follow these steps.
もし あなたが点火トリガに2ピン マグネットピックアップのMSDを使っていたら、下記の手順を試してください。

1. Make sure the ignition switch is in the Off position.
2. Remove the coil wire from the distributor cap and position the terminal so it is approximately 1/2" from a good ground.
3. Disconnect the MSD Magnetic Pickup connector from the distributor.
4. Turn the ignition to the On position. DO NOT CRANK THE ENGINE.
  イグニッションをONにする。 エンジンを回さないこと!
5. With a small jumper wire, short the Green and Violet magnetic pickup wires together then pull the jumper off. Each time the short is removed a spark should jump If spark is present, the ignition is working properly.

If there is no spark:

A. Inspect all of the wiring.
B. Substitute another coil and test again. If there is now spark, the coil is at fault.
C. If there is still no spark, check to make sure there is 12 volts on the small Red wire from the MSD when the key is in the On position. If 12 volts are not present, find another 12 volt source and repeat the test.
D. After inspecting the test procedures and inspecting all of the wiring, there is still no spark, the Ignition is at fault. See the Warranty and Service Page for Information.

Engine Run-On
エンジン ランオン

If your engine continues to run even when the ignition is turned Off you are experiencing engine Run-On. This usually only occurs on older vehicles with an external voltage regulator. Because the MSD receives power directly from the battery, it does not require much current to keep the unit energized. If you are experiencing run-on, it is due to a small amount of voltage going through the charging lamp indicator and feeding the small Red wire even if the key is turned off.
イグニッションを切ってさえもエンジンが回り続けているようなら、あなたはエンジンランオンを体験していることになる。これは通常外付けのボルテージレ ギュレーターを使う古い車両で発生する。なぜならMSDがバッテリーから直接電力を受けていれば、装置を活性化しておくために多くの電流を必要としない。 もしランオンが発生したら、キーがOFFになっているとしてもチャージングランプインジケーターを通り抜けて小さい赤い線に電気を供給している小さい電圧 のせいだ。

Early Ford and GM: To solve the Run-On problem, a Diode is supplied with the MSD in the parts bag. By installing this Diode in-line of the wire that goes to the Charging indicator, the voltage is kept from entering the MSD. The diagram below shows the proper installation for early Ford
and GM vehicles.
初期のフォードとGM: ランオンを解決するために、ダイオードがMSDから小さい部品袋の中に提供されている。このダイオードをチャージングインジケー ターに行く電線の途中に入れることで、その電圧がMSDに入るのを防げる。下記の回路図が初期のフォードとGM車のための正しいインストールを示す。

Note: Diodes are used to allow voltage to flow only one way. Make sure the Diode is installed facing the proper direction.

Ford: Install the Diode inline to the wire going to the #1 terminal.

GM: Install the Diode in-line to the wire going to terminal #4.
GM: ダイオードを4番ターミナルに行く電線に入れる。

GM 1973 - 1983 with Delcotron Alternators:
GM 1973-1983 デルコトロンオルタネーター

GM Delcotron Alternators use an internal voltage regulator. Install the Diode in-line on the smallest wire exiting the alternator. It is usually a Brown wire.
GM デルコトロンオルタネーターは内臓式ボルテージレギュレーターを使用する。ダイオードをオルタネーターから出る最も小さい電線に入れろ。

Most other applications: On other applications where engine Run-On is experienced, a Resistor can be put in-line to the MSD's small Red wire (See diagram below). This resistor will keep voltage from leaking through to the MSD unit.

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